How Social MicroLearning makes informal learning valuable.

You never stop learning. This is especially true for employees in companies or larger organisations.
So far, however, little attention has been paid to this learning. Everybody knows that they also learn at work,
but there are no ways in which this can be captured and optimized or even managed and aligned with group or business objectives.

Bernhard Göschlberger, head of the Mobile Knowledge Lab at the RSA FG, is working on solutions using the concept of Social MicroLearning.

In the current issue of the OeAD-News with the focus on “Digitalization of Education” he reports on the progress.
Among other things, he also addresses the demand for a consistent integration of corporate e-learning as part of knowledge management.
Instead of creating courses formally in fixed formats and centrally, informal learning and knowledge improvement should be documented in a learnable way using social microlearning.
Göschlberger also develops a vision of global knowledge communities.
The goal is, among other things, to make knowledge learnable and to find better solutions than are possible with wikis, for example.
Among other things, it is also about closing the gaps between reference works and learning material.