Application Details

01.10.2020 – 31.12.2020

Our competence:
Data Analytics

Data Science


In the field of broadly effective art and culture education, methods of location-based e-learning represent an innovative approach. Gamificiation approaches can stimulate the motivation for self-directed art and culture education and contribute to the achievement of educational goals for society as a whole.

Especially art and culture companies, as well as their owners, are interested in addressing this extended target group in order to increase their growth potential.

As a start-up in this field of tension, Hublz is interested in winning as many users as possible and motivating them to work independently with art and culture, and to offer a profitable mediation service for both sides (art and culture businesses on the one hand, end users on the other) in the form of target group marketing on the one hand and personal recommendations on the other.

In the context of an expert consultation, the Mobile Knowledge Lab shows the company how to do this,

  1. which methods and procedures in the area of gamification (especially social reputation, collaboration, cooperation) can be particularly effective and suitable
  2. which methods and procedures are suitable for recommendations, especially in the context of location-based e-learning.

Our team

Bernhard Göschlberger, MLBT MSc BSc
Bernhard Göschlberger, MLBT MSc BSc
Operativer Studioleiter
Fabian Dopler, MA
Fabian Dopler, MA