Research Studio

Smart Applications Technologies

Research Studio SAT is working on personalised recommendation systems for machine learning and natural language processing

Research Studio SAT is working on personalised recommendation systems for machine learning and natural language processing


Smart Applications & Web of Needs

The Research Studio Smart Applications Technologies in Vienna is scientifically managed by Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Huemer and operationally managed by DI Florian Kleedorfer. It is one of six Research Studios of the RSA FG. Smart Applications Technologies – SAT works on personalized recommendation systems and machine learning & natural language processing applications. Current research at the Research Studio SAT is focusing on the needs of all market participants under the heading “Web of Needs”. The aim is to create an open system in which offers and requirements are published as objects with equal rights and automatic matching services find the appropriate counterpart. The aim is to find suitable solutions for more complex and interdependent needs – such as flights and hotels for a vacation – largely automatically.

Im Zentrum stehen dabei ganz die Bedürfnisse der Kund*innen. Wir ermöglichen ihnen, diese in einer maschinenverarbeitbaren Weise auszudrücken und liefern die Infrastruktur, um sie automatisiert zu den vorhandenen Angeboten zu führen.

Durch die Entwicklung intuitiver Profilierungs- und Personalisierungstools unterstützt das Research Studio SAT Unternehmen wie Anwender*innen zielorientiert und entwickelt gemeinsam mit ihnen Ansätze, Werkzeuge und Konzepte zur Personalisierung von individuellen Online-Maßnahmen. Dabei sorgen Methoden des psychologischen Usability- und Interaktionsdesigns dafür, dass die Inhalte auch wirklich bei den AnwenderInnen ankommen.

KMUs und Start-Ups vertrauen der Kompetenz und Erfahrung des Expertenteams im Research Studio SAT und nutzen diese Partnerschaft, um ihr Innovationspotenzial zu steigern. Unternehmen wie Ericsson, VeriSign, Wikifolio, Diagnosia, iJoule, das Reiseportal Tripwolf, das Filmportal Flimmit und viele mehr zählen zu seinen Kunden.

Smart Applications & Web of Needs

The Research Studio Smart Applications Technologies in Vienna is scientifically managed by Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Huemer and operationally managed by DI Florian Kleedorfer. It is one of six Research Studios of the RSA FG. Smart Applications Technologies – SAT works on personalized recommendation systems and machine learning & natural language processing applications. Current research at the Research Studio SAT is focusing on the needs of all market participants under the heading “Web of Needs”. The aim is to create an open system in which offers and requirements are published as objects with equal rights and automatic matching services find the appropriate counterpart. The aim is to find suitable solutions for more complex and interdependent needs – such as flights and hotels for a vacation – largely automatically.

The needs of customers are at the centre of this. We enable them to express these in a machine-processable way and provide the infrastructure to automatically guide them to the available offers.

By developing intuitive profiling and personalisation tools, Research Studio SAT supports companies and users in a targeted manner and works with them to develop approaches, tools and concepts for the personalisation of individual online measures. Methods of psychological usability and interaction design ensure that the content really resonates with users.

SMEs and start-ups trust the expertise and experience of the team of experts at Research Studio SAT and utilise this partnership to increase their innovation potential. Companies such as Ericsson, VeriSign, Wikifolio, Diagnosia, iJoule, the travel portal Tripwolf, the film portal Flimmit and many more are among its clients.

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OEBV Property Service

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the essential future topics in the construction industry as a whole. Up to now, the focus has been on leveraging the potential of BIM within one's own company and thereby achieving a competitive advantage.



Ao. Prof. Dr. Christian Huemer
Ao. Prof. Dr. Christian HuemerWissenschaftlicher Studioleiter
DI. Florian Kleedorfer
DI. Florian KleedorferOperativer Studioleiter
Fabian Suda, BSc
Fabian Suda, BScResearcher
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