Research Studio

Smart Digital Industries & Services

The studio, based in Lower Austria, focuses on the development of digital technologies and innovations to optimise industrial production and services and make them more sustainable.

We cooperate with

Kooperationspartner Land NiederösterreichLogo Land Niederösterreich Abteilung Wissenschaft & Forschung

The studio focuses on the development of digital technologies and innovations to optimise industrial production and services and make them more sustainable.

What we work on and what we can offer:

Industry 5.0

  • Learning-Algorithms for predicting maintenance requirements
  • Optimization of production processes
  • Reduce downtime and increase productivity

Internet of Things

  • The networking of machines and devices makes it possible to collect and use data in real time
  • The data is used to optimize processes and improve efficiency


  • Processing and analysis of data directly at the source
  • Latency is reduced and efficiency is increased
  • Edge-Computing to analyse data in real time: faster decisions can be made and productivity increased

The Research Studio Smart Digital Industries & Services (SDIS) is located at the Campus St. Pölten in Lower Austria.

The aim of the research studio is to develop innovative solutions – in line with Industry 4.0 and 5.0 – in order to derive maximum benefit from digitalisation. The multidisciplinary team is involved in researching and transferring technologies, methods and practices to support industrial and commercial production. In addition, it provides digital services that create or increase connectivity and transfer between the subject areas.

Specific research topics include Industry 4.0/5.0 (Human-in-the-loop, Connectivity, Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things) or the transfer of smart and digital technologies between agriculture, food technology and production or the circular economy. The research findings of this studio also serve as an infrastructural basis for other studios, such as the Research Studio Data Science.

Studio director is Amin Anjomshoaa.



VAC (Virtual Aquaponics Assistent)

This project conducts research at the interface between “Generative Artificial Intelligence” (GenAI), “EdgeAI” and “Federated Learning” in the context of “Cyber-Physical Systems” and “IoT”.



Teachino supports teachers with organising their lessons via an app. A project by the RSA FG’s SDIS studio aims to adapt the language model of the Teachino app so that it is an even bigger help in planning lessons.


IS RenAIssance

The ISRenAIssance platform supports people working in the fields of data science, AI and machine learning in their experiments. It is a valuable alternative to other platforms and the data does not leave Austrian servers.

Forschungsprojekt AIMS5.0


Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry 5.0

Image-Bild Forschungsprojekt Agrarsense


Smart, digitized components and systems for data-driven agriculture and forestry

Das Logo vom Projekt Arrowhead Tools

Arrowhead Tools

Innovative digitization and automation solutions for European industry

Das ist das Logo des Forschungsprojektes Comp4Drones


Innovative and safe automation solutions for drones

Titelbild des Forschungsprojektes zu effizienter dezentraler nachhaltiger Lebensmittel-Produktion - kurz EdeN


Efficient, decentralised and sustainable food production in conjunction with IoT technology



Dr. Amin Anjomshoaa
Dr. Amin Anjomshoaa
Operative Studioleitung
Yazzed Abdalla
Yazzed Abdalla
Junior Researcher
Hebatallah Abuamera
Hebatallah Abuamera
Junior Researcher
Dr. Belal Abu Naim
Dr. Belal Abu Naim
Senior Researcher
Michael Boch, MSc
Michael Boch, MSc
Dr. Stefan Gindl
Dr. Stefan Gindl
Key Research Engineer
Yasin Ghafourian, MSc
Yasin Ghafourian, MSc
Christian Hirsch, MSc
Christian Hirsch, MSc
Rafael Kupsa, MSc
Rafael Kupsa, MSc
Junior Researcher
Prof. Dr. Markus Tauber
Prof. Dr. Markus Tauber
Wissenschaftliche Leitung
Mojtaba Zahedi Amiri, MSc
Mojtaba Zahedi Amiri, MSc
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