The future of alpine mobility

Residents of the Alpine region are now invited to submit their visions of sustainable mobility in the Alps via video or photo as part of the SaMBA photo contest. The grand prize is a trip to Turin, Italy. Entries can be sent in until May 31, 2021.

The Climate Alliance, which together with the Research Studio iSPACE and others is one of the project partners of the Interreg-funded SaMBA project, is launching this competition. The focus is on already existing examples and visions for the future. The best contributions will be awarded. Videos with a maximum length of one minute and photos with image description can be submitted in English, German, Italian, French and Slovenian at

Read more about the video and photo contest

More about the project SaMBA of the Research Studio iSPACE

The SaMBA project aims to use reward systems and attractive pricing to change transport users’ perceptions of sustainable mobility options and to shift the modal split in this direction. As a research partner and expert in GIS-based analyses, iSPACE is developing a decision support tool within SaMBA that helps to filter behavior-changing measures in the mobility sector and to better assess their potential and impact.