On 1 October 2015 the 2nd symposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen will take place.
On Thursday, 1 October 2015, the 2nd symposium Brennpunkt Alpines Bauen will take place from 10.00 – 17.30 hrs at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Urstein Campus.
More than in other regions, building in the Alpine region has to face extreme weather conditions from heat waves to heavy rainfall. Climate change is making these challenges even more acute. It is therefore all the more important to protect buildings against external influences as well as to act in an ecologically sustainable and efficient manner: in new construction, renovation, land allocation and operation.
The 2nd symposium “Focus on Alpine Construction” of the Alpine Construction Network is dedicated to these challenges. Secure the latest knowledge, get practical suggestions and discuss with colleagues from the field!
Thomas Prinz from the RSA Studio iSPACE will speak in the afternoon together with Franz Dollinger from the State of Salzburg about “Integrated management and innovative planning and modelling approaches for space-saving settlement development”.
Further information can be found in the detailed program.