Third place in the “Regional Cooperation” category of the Sustainability Award goes to the project “Wohnen findet Stadt – Smart City Hallein”.

The demonstration project focuses on the Burgfriedsiedlung, an older existing settlement in Hallein. Within the framework of the project, a building in the Burgfriedsiedlung from the 1950s was thermally refurbished, adapted and extended. In the course of the refurbishment, the newly developed Salzburg multi-functional façade was used, which in addition to its insulating properties also has a sound-absorbing and component-activating function. Thus, an energy-efficient heating from outside is realized. The building was extended by one storey using a solid wood construction method, and all of the new apartments created in this way are barrier-free. With the facade and other sound-absorbing measures, the quality of living in the existing open spaces will be improved.

The building behavior after the refurbishment is subject to a comprehensive monitoring process. For this purpose, the Research Studio iSPACE Smart Settlement System of the RSA FG has implemented a web map in which the object Salzachtalstraße and its surroundings are displayed in 3D and real-time data as well as time courses can be interactively retrieved from different sensors of the building monitoring system.

In order to consider the redevelopment project also in relation to its surroundings, an open space report was prepared, from which possible measures for improving the quality of life can be derived. The area of mobility was also analyzed, possible measures identified and incentives for a change to environmentally friendly means of transport defined.

Project partners are Architekt Paul Schweizer, Stadtgemeinde Hallein, Research Studio iSpace der RSA FG, PLANUM Fallast Tischler & Partner GmbH, FH-Salzburg – Smart Building & Smart City. The project was funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds and implemented as part of the “Smart City Demo” program.

The prize in the category Regional Cooperation was awarded to the FH Salzburg for the project “Wohnen findet Stadt” for its interdisciplinary implementation, the intensive involvement of residents and local project partners.

We congratulate the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg and all cooperation partners.

Living finds city!

Read more about the project “Wohnen findet Stadt!” of the research studio iSPACE