On October 12 and 13, 2020, a ARGE ALP workshop on the topic of “Mobility to and in the vacation resort” was held as part of the 18th Salzburg Transport Days. The aim was to promote the exchange of knowledge between the ARGE ALP regions and to develop joint approaches to solutions in the field of tourism mobility.

Due to its specific topographical and climatic conditions, the Alpine region has special challenges in establishing a future-oriented, resource-saving mobility and is at the same time a particularly attractive and popular tourist region due to its valuable natural and cultural landscape. Therefore, the promotion of a demand-oriented design of integrated and sustainable mobility offers as well as the creation of incentives for tourists and locals to use environmentally friendly means of transport are important.

“In order to develop sustainable solutions for the Alpine region, we consider it important to bring together the various experiences and challenges of the ARGE ALP regions.”, says Dr. Thomas Prinz from the Studio iSPACE of the RSA FG.

“Traffic control measures and the equalization of visitor flows are tasks that require broad participation and also responsible communication management. Forward-planning tourism policy measures – which must first and foremost include destination management and new environmentally friendly transport solutions – are necessary in order to create the scope for action that will enable a high level of tourism to be managed in the future without neglecting sustainability goals.”, adds Prof. Kurt Luger from the University of Salzburg.

The workshop was organized by Studio iSPACE  together with the UNESCO Chair “Cultural Heritage and Tourism” of the University of Salzburg and the ITG Salzburg in cooperation with ARGE ALP and the State of Salzburg. In the course of the workshop, challenges and solutions in the fields of cross-border data bases, continuous low-CO2 chains of arrival and departure as well as multimodality at the vacation destination were discussed. The basis for this was provided by presentations with best practice examples from the ARGE ALP regions. Among other things, customer requirements for the promotion of rail travel, multimodal touristic mobility offers in the Silbertal valley in Vorarlberg as well as the project Haltestelle 4.0 of the Research Studio iSPACE were addressed, in which a data laboratory at the Neumarkt train station is being created and a concept for the use of existing infrastructure for bicycle tourism in the Salzburg Lake District is being developed. Based on the approaches discussed, joint project ideas are to be developed and sent out to the ARGE ALP regions.