Design and communication strategies for 3D basemaps

Caroline Atzl, a researcher at the Research Studio iSPACE Smart 4D Environments, is currently writing her PhD thesis together with the Research Studio, in which she is developing generalized workflows and design strategies for different digital web maps. She is currently conducting a survey for one of her publications on “Design Strategies for Multidimensional Basemaps for Urban Environments”.

Realistic 3D representations play an important role in our world. Thus, well-prepared base maps such as for [indoor] navigation, planning of mountain tours or VR/AR applications are essential for many areas. Especially for the development of 3D base maps there are only a few design guidelines or studies. Caroline Atzl wants to close this gap with her comprehensive survey on this topic:

“The goal is to extract generalized design and communication strategies for 3D base maps from the survey results that meet the wants and needs of different user groups. In particular, the base map should be able to be used for many different application contexts and thus meet as many requirements as possible.”

The survey seeks answers to questions of different aspects of creating multidimensional base maps, such as:

  • What information belongs in a 3D base map?
  • Which contents should be visible when (depending on the map scale)?
  • Which contents should be displayed in which degree of detail (level of detail)?
  • How should the information be designed (design with reference to color, classification and symbolization)?
  • Which functions and filtering options should be provided?
  • Should live data also be available in a 3D base map (such as departure times and current positions of public transport or weather data from public weather stations)?

In addition, a demonstrator of a 4D base map developed by RSA FG Research Studio iSPACE will be presented and evaluated during this survey.

Take your chance now and help shape new design strategies

Would you also like to contribute to jointly developing design strategies for 3D base maps for urban environments and actively help shape how these maps should be designed in the future?

Then start right here and follow the link to the survey:

Thank you for your support!