Prototype Details

Micro Courses: SoML Learn Feature

Fabian Dopler / Lisa Schneckenreiter / Daniela Duh

App Development / AI / Software Design


Micro Courses

SoML Learn Feature


In the course of the Erasmus Tactile Books project, a new way of learning was developed for the Social MicroLearning Platform (SoML). The content of existing map groups is to be learned in a course mode based on repetition learning. This is based on the Leitner algorithm. According to the principle of Spaced Repetion, the flashcards are distributed to 5 “boxes”, depending on the number of correct answers. All cards are initially placed in box 1, and with each correct answer the card is moved one box further until it arrives in the final box. If a card is answered incorrectly, it moves back to box 1. Learning cards from the final box are considered “learned” and are no longer displayed in course mode.


A course is created from an existing group of cards. A user can generate an invitation link and send it to other users. By clicking on the link, a separate instance of the course is created for the participants. In course mode, the order of cards is determined by an algorithm. After a predefined number of cards have been answered, the user is shown the current course progress with the option to leave the course mode or to continue learning. Users have the possibility to set their courses in/active to hide/show them in the course overview.


Promote Self-Regulated Learning and established retention mechanisms within the Social MicroLearning platform.

What Innovations Does the Prototype Offer?

  • Advanced functionality for product improvement
  • Generation of courses from SoML groups
  • Guided learning mode for improved content intake
  • Automatic generation of courses from SoML groups and distribution via invitation link

Here you can find the folder for the prototype.

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