

VISIOMICS provides a solution for tumor diagnostics that combines areas such as workflow management, data integration and user interface solutions.


Application details

Our competence:

Data Analytics

Data Science


Platform to support integrated analysis of image and multiOMIC data based on liquid biopsies for tumor diagnostics.

1.11.2017 – 31.10.2019

VISIOMICS aims to develop a comprehensive solution for refined tumor diagnostics.
It offers workflow management, multi-level data integration and an advanced user interface as
solution in an efficient and certifiable workflow.
Neuroblastoma as a rare disease is used as a model to solve the currently frequently observed problems in diagnostics, i.e. integration of multi-level data despite the scarcity of samples and incomplete data sets.

We therefore plan to extend our analysis by integrating DNA/RNA sequencing and SNParray data and combine them with imaging derived morphological characteristics of disseminated tumor cells isolated from liquid biopsies.
The integration is performed in a sequential manner to better define genes and/or cell characteristics. This allows the differentiation between samples from recurrent and non-recurrent patients already at the time of diagnosis.

The VISIOMICS software platform, which is connected to a central database where raw and
will be an important tool for efficient user interaction and data visualization. This in turn will serve to translate expert knowledge into clinical diagnostic analysis workflows.

The research-team

Mihai Lupu, PhD
Mihai Lupu, PhD
Key Researcher
Dr. Abdel Aziz Taha
Dr. Abdel Aziz Taha
Senior Researcher
Alexandros Bampoulidis, BSc
Alexandros Bampoulidis, BSc


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