As the first non-university research organization in Austria, the RSA FG applied for an examination and certification of the internal quality management by the Quality Assurance Agency of the Austrian Universities Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQA).

The aim of the audit is to provide independent verification and authoritative evidence of the quality of the work in the Research Studios and in transfer management.

Furthermore, it is about strengthening the continuous improvement process internally and continuously developing the structures and processes of the RSA FG.

Since the beginning of 2020, the RSA team worked on a comprehensive documentation of all processes and took the evaluation of the internal process management as an opportunity to streamline procedures and update texts. A precise self-evaluation report is now available.

This report and the 56 documents in the appendix were the basis for the certification audit on September 17th/18th during an on-site visit in Salzburg.

Top-class experts have gained an impression of the RSA FG:

  • Prof. Dr. Max Lemme, Chair Nanotech, RWTH Aachen University + CEO, AMO GmbH
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dieter Rombach, Founding Director, Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering IESE
  • DIin (FH) Andrea Denger, Program Manager Info Management, AVL List GmbH

Michael Tockner, authorized signatory and head of project management underlines the unique opportunity to learn as RSA FG through the process of certification and the given expert exchange:

„The on-site visit of the experts was a good opportunity for the RSA FG staff to exchange views with top experts from science, economy and research on the agile and lean quality management of the RSA FG. It was a pleasure to witness the enthusiasm with which the researchers and the RSA team gave insight into their working methods and which impressions they took away from the discussions.“

We would like to thank all those who actively contributed, participated and supported us both in the written self-evaluation report and the oral audit.

After the oral audit has been conducted, it is now time to wait. The report will be finalized with the decision of the AQA Board in mid-December. The certification is one of the milestones on the path of our continuous improvement.

 „A lived quality management needs structures, exchange and the willingness to learn from each other. We will continue to work on this together.“, clarifies Michael Tockner, authorized signatory and head of project management.

„It was an exciting exchange with the reviewers on how processes and process models for innovation transfer services can be continuously developed.“, confirms Thomas Prinz, head of the Research Studios iSPACE Smart Settlement Systems.