Research Studio iSPACE as origin of innovative solutions from Salzburg

If you take a look at the number of employees who set up their own business each year, you can see that this number is growing steadily. Especially the field of geoinformatics in the Salzburg area illustrates a continuous growth of newly founded start-ups.

Rainer Schilcher was an employee of the RSA FG in various positions for more than eleven years. In 2014 he also dared the step to become independent with his idea inspired by the research studio iSPACE of the RSA FG. With his company terravistor GmbH / Immoservice Austria, together with his business partner Dr. Bernd Gschwandtner, he today implements a new form of real estate valuation, in which he emphasizes the central role of data, especially in the assessment of the situation:

“Geo data of all kinds are necessary and helpful, especially in the area of micro/midi and macro location evaluation. Although they cannot replace the view of the property and the on-site inspection, they complete the overall impression and make the result plausible,” says Schilcher.

The Research Studio iSPACE of the RSA FG and the Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics Z_GIS form both nationally and internationally a location with a focus of excellence. Rainer Schilcher on his path, which led from the idea to the successful founding of the company and establishment on the market:

“As an employee of the Research Studios of the RSA FG you are in contact with many different research topics and projects. Due to the broad positioning of the RSA FG, the studios build on a comprehensive know-how – this means that work is also interdisciplinary, studios take up research topics in a cross-disciplinary way and can therefore take as much as possible from all departments. The iSPACE research studio was the source of ideas for my company. It was helpful, especially in the start-up phase, to be able to access both iSPACE’s research know-how and expertise in the area of funded research projects,” Schilcher notes.