How can mobility in the Alps be made more sustainable? This was the question addressed by the SaMBA project of the Research Studio iSPACE of the RSA FG. The results and findings of the project will be presented at a final conference on 6 October.

Majestic mountains, rolling hills, green meadows – the Alpine region is a unique natural space that is widely appreciated both as a living space and as a leisure destination. Over 14 million people from eight different countries live in this fragile ecosystem, which is increasingly threatened by growing pollution and rising emissions. Effective protection of the Alpine Space needs both political measures and a change in individual mobility behaviour. This will only be possible if sustainable means of transport are more oriented towards mobility needs and the high dependence on private cars decreases.

The SaMBA project (“Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region”) aims to change the perception of road users with regard to sustainable mobility offers and to shift the modal split in this direction with measures such as reward systems or attractive pricing. The project brought together 13 partners from five different countries – from Austria, the City of Salzburg was represented alongside the Research Studio iSPACE of the RSA FG.

As a research partner and expert in carrying out GIS-based analyses, Research Studio iSPACE developed a decision support tool within the framework of SaMBA that helps to filter behaviour-changing measures in the mobility sector and to better assess their potential and effects. The SaMBA tool developed by iSPACE was presented at REAL CORP 2021, among other events; detailed information can be found in the conference paper.

The results and findings of the three-year project will be presented on 6 October 2021 at the transnational final conference “Get inspired: How to start changing mobility behaviour in cities and regions”. The event will be held in hybrid form in Turin as well as online. A special feature of the programme will be the award ceremony of the SaMBA video and photo competition “Your vision of future alpine mobility“, which invited the inhabitants of the Alpine countries to present their own creative ideas.

Registration for the event is possible here.