
A bird’s eye view over Salzburg at GIS Day 2024

2024-11-25T10:45:08+01:0025.11.2024|Tags: , , , |

The global GIS Day aims to get young people interested in geoinformatics. Every year, schools also come to Science City Itzling, as the PLUS Department of Geoinformatics Z GIS and the iSPACE studios are several centres of excellence for geoinformatics. PLUS also organises the GIS Day for these two institutions every year. This allows young people to interactively experience various innovative applications from the world of GIS and research. This year, Caroline Atzl and Michael Andorfer from the Smart 4D Environments studio welcomed them to iSPACE and introduced them to the exciting world of geoinformatics.

GIS-Day 2019

2020-05-26T10:37:43+02:0014.11.2019|Tags: , , , |

As part of GIS-Day 2019 on November 13, Research Studio iSPACE introduced students in Salzburg and Linz to the current topic of energy saving in the context of global warming.

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