Dr. Caroline Atzl, MSc


The topic of her master thesis was in the field of geoapplication development and design. Caroline has been working as a researcher and developer at Studio iSPACE since 2013. Her research interests are in the field of web cartography, geovisualization, geoapp development, usability and user experience. Her research focus is 2D/3D/4D web maps and map dashboards.Caroline Atzl studied Applied Computer Science and Applied Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg.

What I am working on

My Publications

Atzl , C., Scholz, J., Vockner, B., Mittlböck, M.,& Knoth, L. (2019)

Atzl, C., Lindmayr-Brandl, A., Mittlböck, M., Vockner, B. & Moritz Kelber (2018)

Atzl, C., Mittlböck, M., Vockner, B. (2018)