Dr. Thomas Prinz

Scientific Managing Director for Application Research and Innovation Transfer | Studio Manager iSPACE Smart Settlement Systems

Since May 2021 Thomas Prinz is scientific managing director with focus on knowledge and innovation transfer and application development with focus on applied data science and geoinformatics. Thomas Prinz has been part of the RSA FG since 2002 and as a long-time studio leader of the Research Studio iSPACE Smart Settlement Systems he stands for innovative projects in areas such as sustainable settlement development or mobility planning. Since 2020 he is also a Researcher at the University of Salzburg – IDA Lab Salzburg (Lab for Intelligent Data Analytics).

Thomas Prinz studied geography and geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg. His dissertation was entitled: “Spatial Indicators as a Basis for Planning. Integrative Evaluation of Settlement Areas in the City of Salzburg”. The thesis dealt with the topic: “GIS as an instrument for location optimization. Using the example of bus stops in the city of Salzburg.” (2001).

What I am working on



Consulting service for provisioning of GEO technologies for an external server evaluation of the transferability of existing data and map services.

Portfolio & Demonstrators


Recompression Monitor

This Demonstrator helps the Measurement of building development in the areas of redensification, building land reserves and restructuring areas.


UML Bus Stop 4.0

This Prototype introduces new Testing and evaluation of the functionality, acceptance and transferability of new technical developments with a simplified test requests.