DI. Dr. Yerania Campos, MSc


Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Yerania Campos received the BS degree in Mathematical Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico, the MS in Computer Science and Industrial Mathematics from the Mathematics Research Center, Mexico, and the PhD in Computer Science from the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Her research interests include machine visual perception, machine learning, precision agriculture, and biomedical imaging applications.

More details on his research activities can be found here.

What I am working on



The goal of the project Airtention is to develop a program with the intention to model human attention in the flight training.

Ocean Maps

Ocean Maps

The goal of OMG3D-Maps is to provide a cost-effective way to obtain, integrate and present high-resolution 3D underwater maps for B2B customers and divers.

My Publications

Campos, Y., Rodner, E., Denzler J., Sossa, H., S., Pajares, G. (2016)