From Data Broker to Recommender Systems

With more than 200 participants, the big highlight conference “Trading with Big Data” started in the afternoon of 18 September 2019 as the highlight of the three-year lead project of the BMVIT “Data Market Austria“.

The conference was opened by Federal Minister Andreas Reichhardt.

“In order to be able to use data in a meaningful way, we have to create secure spaces for this data. With the help of ‘Data Market Austria’ we show how a data service ecosystem can function in Austria by creating a significantly improved technology base”.

said Minister Reichhardt in his opening speech.

In the following, the key points of Data Market Austria were historically derived (Allan Hanbury, TU Vienna and Günter Tschabuschnig, ZAMG) and presented in the current state (Data Broker, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Metadata Standard, Recommender Systems – Mihai Lupu, Research Studio Data Science of RSA FG and Stefanie Lindstaedt, KNOW-Center and TU Graz).

The view to Germany on Industrial Data Space (Sebastian Steinbuß) and International Data Spaces (Boris Otto) proved to be particularly interesting.

Data Market Austria pilot applications as well as SIEMENS, AIT, Danube University Krems and many others presented themselves and their data initiatives.

The conference was the prelude to a series of further events such as a workshop-conference of the Data Intelligence Offensive at the FH St. Pölten on 03.10.2019 or a full-day slot of the Data Intelligence Offensive at IMAGINE 2019 on 22.10.2019 in Vienna.

Further information and registration at

More videos from the DMA Conference