Cognitive ICT

The Studio for Pervasive Computing Applications is concerned with the development of innovative interaction modalities for application in future human-machine interaction scenarios. In view of the exponentially growing information density, this must be geared to the underlying human interaction resource – his attention.

The “Cognitive ICT” approach represents a fundamental paradigm shift in the design of innovative ICT systems, in which awareness plays a fundamental role. Existing methods of context and activity awareness are extended and complemented by social structures (Socio-Aware ICT), interpretation of user behaviour and underlying motivations (Socio-Inspired ICT), up to the detection and modelling of qualitative attention states and distributions of users in their interaction with information systems (Cognitive ICT). Instead of all-purpose computers and individual devices, a multitude of small, embedded, spontaneously networked and wirelessly communicating systems are used, which interact in a goal-oriented manner in order to unobtrusively support people in the best possible way in the most diverse activities and to relieve their cognitive burden.

Cognitive ICT-based technologies, for example, enable people to be confronted only with information that is relevant and desired in the current situation, rather than just serving as a medium for the prevailing information overload. In security-relevant activities with high responsibility and cognitive workload, such technologies can detect and avoid distractions and draw attention to critical areas and situations. These technologies make use of different sensory channels to ensure the critical transmission of information even in stressful situations.

Realization of mobile, adaptive systems

The Studio PCA actively researches the sensory acquisition, interpretation and modelling of attention indicators based on attention models from cognitive research, the fusion of multi-sensor and multi-actuator systems for the realisation of mobile, adaptive systems, as well as the development of networked, integrated hardware and software solutions.

Fields of application currently include in particular

  • ICT interaction in everyday life via wearable technologies (project “Attentive ICT”)

  • Cognitive ICT as a driving force in the industrial production of the future (Industry 4.0)

  • Attention Sensitive ICT in Minimally Invasive Surgery (Project “EyeControl”)




The aim of "Empowering Pilots via Adaptive Competency-based Training" is to develop training towards competence-based training and assessment (CBTA).


SpotOn MozART

The SpotON MozART project with the Mozarteum University Salzburg combined art and technology to great public effect.


Musical Anamnesis

Automated Musical anamnesis aims to offer a personalized, socio-medical and AI-supported intervention for people with dementia.



Demonstrator Demonstrator: OpenEyes Researcher: Benedikt Gollan Studio: [...]



With the MinD-MAP project, the research studio PCA is developing a new product line to measure cognitive attention and optimize training for pilots.



The goal of the project Airtention is to develop a program with the intention to model human attention in the flight training.