
Initiatives for sustainable travel and holidays meet in Zell am See

2024-12-02T12:00:41+01:0002.12.2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The Tourism Mobility Day in Zell am See offered networking on possible solutions for sustainable mobility in tourism. Here, 150 experts exchanged views on opportunities and challenges in times of climate change. Dagmar Lahnsteiner from Studio iSPACE and the Ultimob, Airport 4.0, PRIMA and SaMBA projects were also present.

A bird’s eye view over Salzburg at GIS Day 2024

2024-11-25T10:45:08+01:0025.11.2024|Tags: , , , |

The global GIS Day aims to get young people interested in geoinformatics. Every year, schools also come to Science City Itzling, as the PLUS Department of Geoinformatics Z GIS and the iSPACE studios are several centres of excellence for geoinformatics. PLUS also organises the GIS Day for these two institutions every year. This allows young people to interactively experience various innovative applications from the world of GIS and research. This year, Caroline Atzl and Michael Andorfer from the Smart 4D Environments studio welcomed them to iSPACE and introduced them to the exciting world of geoinformatics.

iSPACE, PLUS and Salzburg Research present their research for climate-friendly mobility


Everyone wants to get there it, but the question is how: climate-friendly mobility and sustainable transport solutions. It's a good thing that several institutions in Salzburg are researching this. That's why Studio iSPACE, the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research informed Deputy Mayor Kay-Michael Dankl and City Councillor Anna Schiester about their approaches and methods.

ENERGIEatlas at Mission Innovation Austria Week

2024-11-12T12:05:57+01:0012.11.2024|Tags: , , , , |

The role of the regions in the national energy transition was the topic of this year's Mission Innovation Austria Week 2024 in Stegersbach in Burgenland. The session on ‘Spatial energy planning as the key to measure-based municipal Co2 reduction pathways’ presented the results of the GEL S/E/P I and II project bundle.

Students of TU Graz develop visions for Schallmoos in Salzburg

2024-10-28T16:04:06+01:0029.10.2024|Tags: , , , |

To develop Schallmoos is the goal of the Transformator:in, and Research Studio iSPACE of RSA FG is on board for it. As part of a course at the Institute of Urban Planning at Graz University of Technology, students presented their ideas for the neighbourhood. To do so, they visited Salzburg and gathered input from the local Trans|formator:in partners.

INNOVATOUR: New paths for climate-friendly mobility in tourism

2024-10-28T11:49:31+01:0022.08.2024|Tags: , , , |

The INNOVATOUR research project (sustainable management of needs-based tourism mobility requirements through data innovations) addresses tourism mobility as an important field of action in transport planning. The aim of the project is to develop new mobility indicators by tapping into and analyzing previously unused data sources in order to better understand mobility behavior in tourism and reduce car use. This involves analyzing a wide range of previously unused or hardly used tourism data, such as overnight stays, booking data and admission tickets. In Salzburg and Styria, practical use cases for needs-based mobility services in the environmental network are being developed. The promotion of safe, affordable and sustainable mobility offers in the tourism context as well as more inclusive access should be at the end of the project.

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