Budget calculator: Austria Premiere: Overview of housing and mobility costs

Determine your own living and mobility costs! – MORECO Haushaltsrechner

At a press conference attended by prominent figures, DI Peter Haider (GF SIR), DI Daniela Bischof (Project Manager SIR), Dr. Thomas Prinz (Project Manager iSPACE) and Deputy Governor Dr. Astrid Rössler jointly presented the Alpine Space Project MORECO and the MORECO household calculator.

For the first time, anyone can use it to calculate the real costs of living and mobility for their own needs. Enter your personal parameters such as place of residence, regular routes to work, school, shopping etc. and choice of transport once and compare locations according to pure living costs, mobility offers, infrastructure and other criteria that are important to you.

For the first time, it is now possible to compare envisaged residential locations in a simple way and to check a location before requesting a quote.

The household calculator and the MORECO settlement calculator, which was also developed and technically implemented by the iSPACE research studio in the same project, also enable bodies such as regions, states or municipalities to optimize their spatial planning and to determine sustainable optimal locations for settlements, taking existing infrastructure such as public transport or local supply into account.

“The cost calculator should make underestimated mobility costs visible. – An impressive instrument”, said LH Stv.in Astrid Rössler after the presentation of the two tools.

Current media reports about MORECO: