In cooperation with the research studio iSPACE, the municipality of Salzburg held a mobility workshop last Thursday with the aim of developing a sustainable and long-term service offer in the field of mobility consulting and information for the population of the city of Salzburg.

Mobility as an essential part of our everyday life accompanies, moves and allows us to be flexible. We are becoming more and more mobile and cover even greater distances. The ever more diverse range of options and means of transport represents a sustainable contribution to the environment and quality of life.

To ensure that this offer is also used, it is essential to strengthen and inform the population in this respect in their awareness. In many places, this task is already taken over by a mobility advice center, which tries to reach the most diverse people, addresses them and provides them with the necessary information. In the city of Salzburg, too, a mobility counselling service could make an important contribution as a contact person and mediator between citizens, administration and local actors and motivate residents to shape their mobility behaviour in an environmentally friendly and climate-friendly manner.

During the SaMBA workshop, the participants worked together to develop a desirable picture of such a mobility consultancy, to define the possible scope of tasks and to discuss further steps of implementation. The basis for this was provided by keynote speeches and introductory remarks by Deputy Mayor Dr. Barbara Unterkofler.

Thomas Prinz, Head of the Research Studio iSPACE Smart Settlement Systems, about the workshop:

„In order to get even more people to use the existing sustainable service offer in transport, the use of reward systems and information measures is particularly important in addition to attractive pricing. A mobility agency can make a significant contribution here.”

More about the SaMBA project of Research Studio iSPACE

The SaMBA project aims to change the perception of road users with regard to sustainable mobility offers by means of reward systems and attractive pricing and to shift the modal split accordingly. As a research partner and expert in the implementation of GIS-based analyses, iSPACE is developing a decision support tool within the SaMBA project, which helps to filter behaviour-changing measures in the mobility sector and to better assess their potential and effects.