

SaMBA aims to change the perception of transport users with regard to sustainable mobility services through attractive pricing.


Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region

2018 bis 2021

The SaMBA project aims to change the perception of road users with regard to sustainable mobility offers and to shift the modal split in this respect by means of reward systems and attractive pricing. iSPACE is a research partner and the expert in the implementation of GIS-based analyses, the elaboration of solution proposals / strategies as well as in the development and implementation of ICT tools for decision support and awareness raising.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.

Our research team

Dr. Thomas Prinz
Dr. Thomas Prinz
Studio manager
Bernhard Castellazzi, MSc
Bernhard Castellazzi, MSc
Anna Butzhammer, MSc
Anna Butzhammer, MSc
Dagmar Lahnsteiner, MSc
Dagmar Lahnsteiner, MSc


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