Anna Butzhammer, MSc


“My research adds value because it reveals spatial potential for sustainable planning decisions.”

Anna Butzhammer submitted her master thesis entitled: “Modelling intermodal accessibility considering quality aspects of public and private transport – a GIS-based approach for the State of Salzburg”, focusing on network modeling and spatial indicators. She is part of the iSPACE Smart Settlement Systems team.

Anna Butzhammer completed the master’s degree in Applied Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg.

What I am working on



ULTIMOB is a research project within the framework of the 'Mobility of the Future' program of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation & Technology.

UML Stop 4.0

UML stop 4.0

Stop 4.0 is about building a transport hub of the future as a physical and digital laboratory environment and test room for new developments.



SaMBA aims to change the perception of transport users with regard to sustainable mobility services through attractive pricing.

Portfolio & Demonstratoren


UML Bus Stop 4.0

This Prototype introduces new Testing and evaluation of the functionality, acceptance and transferability of new technical developments with a simplified test requests.

My Publications

Intermodale Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung. SIR-Mitteilungen und Berichte, Band 37/2019, Butzhammer, A. (2019)

GIS-gestützte Methodik zur Abschätzung von CO2-Emissionen multi- und intermodaler Wege. In: Strobl J., Zagel B., Griesebner G. & T. Blaschke (Hrsg.): AGIT Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, Ausgabe 5-2019, 268-275, Butzhammer A., Castellazzi B. & T. Prinz (2019)

Modelling intermodal accessibility considering quality aspects of public and private transport. Poster presentation, ESRI User Conference 2018, 8.-12. Juli 2018, San Diego (CA), USA, Butzhammer A. (2018)

Mobilitätsaspekte in der Salzburger Wohnberatung. In: Planerin. Fachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung. Heft 3_18, S.31-33, Butzhammer A., Prinz T. & W. Riedler (2018)

Considering Spatial Determinants in Promoting Active, Healthy Commuting. In: Car A., Jekel T., Strobl J. & Griesebner G. (Eds): GI_Forum – Journal for Geographic Information Science. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Issue 1-2018, 162-176, Loidl M., Butzhammer A., Castellazzi B., Wendel R., Prinz T. & B. Zagel (2018)

Modelling Intermodal Accessibility Considering Quality Aspects of Transport – a GIS-based Approach for the State of Salzburg. In: Car A., Jekel T., Strobl J. & Griesebner G. (Eds): GI_Forum – Journal for Geographic Information Science. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Issue 2-2017, 152-163, Butzhammer A. (2017) 

Modelling intermodal accessibility considering quality aspects of public and private transport – a GIS-based approach for the State of Salzburg, Master Thesis, Universität Salzburg, Butzhammer A. (2017)

Interreg IV-A Projekt Almregion Bayerisch-Salzburger Kalkalpen. Projektfolder. Salzburg, Anzengruber, M., K. Junghuber, E. Brandstetter, A. Butzhammer, K. Junghuber, A. Ringler, W. Spitzer, H. Weingartner & M. Wintersteller (2014)