Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein

Owner representative

After graduating from high school, Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein studied economics, business administration and operations research. In 1992, he joined the IHS, Department of Economics, as a research assistant and has been head of the newly established Department of Financial Economics from 1997 to 1999. Since the merger of the departments of Economics and Finance in 1999, Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein has been head of the department together with Doz. Ritzberger, he is head of both departments. The IHS ranks among the top 100 research institutions in the field of economics in Europe. In German-speaking countries, the IHS is among the 10 most important institutes, and in Austria it is the leading institute. The special feature of this institution is that it is predominantly financed via the market for research expertise.

“Life is highly interesting and every challenge mastered spurs us on.”

In 1996, Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein received the Study Web Award for Internet project, prize for article in scientific journal 1996 and a mention in Who is Who.

In 2001 Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein founded the Cognion Research Group/ Cognion Forschungsverbund in Vienna, whose ab ovo unchanged ambition is the creation of a transnationally active group of research institutes.

In the Federation of Austrian Industries in Vienna, Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein has made a significant contribution to the independent representation of the interests of Austrian industry and related sectors as Chief Economist since 2004.

Since 2005, Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein has been a member of the board of Economica Institute for Economic Research in Vienna. Economica is an independent economic research institute sui generis, which operates according to the motto: Relevant Economics. Our maxim is future-shaping insights.

In 2018, the RSA FG will be owned by the RiskRe Agency for Economic Risk Research, with owner representative Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein.

Since 2020 he is university professor for economics at the Private University Schloss Seeburg, Seekirchen/Salzburg, Austria
