Günter Gruber, MSc


Since 2011, Günter Gruber has been a project employee at RSA iSPACE in the iSPACEforPlanning division, focusing on spatial analyses, indicator development and cartography.

Gruber completed his bachelor’s degree in geography and meteorology at the University of Freiburg i. Br. Afterwards the master study of applied geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg. Graduated in 2012 with a master’s thesis on “Energy efficiency indicators based on energy performance certificate data as a contribution to integrative energy spatial planning in the province of Salzburg”.


  • 2007-2010 | BSc Geography & Meteorology, Universität Freiburg
  • 2010-2012 | MSc Applied Geoinformatics, Universität Salzburg


Cartographic Analysis
Spatial Analysis

What I am working on



The BONUS project tries to develope a transferable holistic consulting service to mobilise existing potentials for interior development.


IS Terravistor II

terravistor GmbH needs scientific competence in the field of geoinformatics to develop the products of its real estate evaluation platform.



Lageprofi creates a basis that gives interested companies access to the latest trends and findings in the field of situation assessment.

Prototypes & Demonstrators



Recommendations for action at several intervention level, which support municipalities and developers in taking appropriate measures for integrated, innovative housing and mobility development.

My Publications

Intermodale Erreichbarkeitsmodellierung. SIR-Mitteilungen und Berichte, Band 37/2019, Butzhammer, A. (2019)

GIS-gestützte Methodik zur Abschätzung von CO2-Emissionen multi- und intermodaler Wege. In: Strobl J., Zagel B., Griesebner G. & T. Blaschke (Hrsg.): AGIT Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, Ausgabe 5-2019, 268-275, Butzhammer A., Castellazzi B. & T. Prinz (2019)

Modelling intermodal accessibility considering quality aspects of public and private transport. Poster presentation, ESRI User Conference 2018, 8.-12. Juli 2018, San Diego (CA), USA, Butzhammer A. (2018)

Mobilitätsaspekte in der Salzburger Wohnberatung. In: Planerin. Fachzeitschrift für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung. Heft 3_18, S.31-33, Butzhammer A., Prinz T. & W. Riedler (2018)

Considering Spatial Determinants in Promoting Active, Healthy Commuting. In: Car A., Jekel T., Strobl J. & Griesebner G. (Eds): GI_Forum – Journal for Geographic Information Science. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Issue 1-2018, 162-176, Loidl M., Butzhammer A., Castellazzi B., Wendel R., Prinz T. & B. Zagel (2018)

Modelling Intermodal Accessibility Considering Quality Aspects of Transport – a GIS-based Approach for the State of Salzburg. In: Car A., Jekel T., Strobl J. & Griesebner G. (Eds): GI_Forum – Journal for Geographic Information Science. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Issue 2-2017, 152-163, Butzhammer A. (2017) 

Modelling intermodal accessibility considering quality aspects of public and private transport – a GIS-based approach for the State of Salzburg, Master Thesis, Universität Salzburg, Butzhammer A. (2017)

Interreg IV-A Projekt Almregion Bayerisch-Salzburger Kalkalpen. Projektfolder. Salzburg, Anzengruber, M., K. Junghuber, E. Brandstetter, A. Butzhammer, K. Junghuber, A. Ringler, W. Spitzer, H. Weingartner & M. Wintersteller (2014)