Application details


Our expertise:
Data Analytics



Unser Partner Salzburger Verkehr
Unser Partner Rosinak & Partner
Unser Partner mobyome KG

The PRIMA project supports the planning of demand-based transport.

In order to make the public transport offer more attractive and to create a higher acceptance, especially in rural areas, demand-based solutions play a significant role. In many places, the use of on-demand transport has the potential to make public transport services better and more accessible to more users as an extension of existing services and feeder services. In addition to other possibilities such as active mobility or sharing solutions, local and small-regional public transport systems (micro-public transport systems) can make mobility more sustainable and make an important contribution to the goal of a nationwide mobility guarantee in Austria.

Mehr Details zum Projekt PRIMAIn April 2023 the research project PRIMA started, which is managed by the studio iSPACE of RSA FG. On board as project partners are the Salzburger Verkehrsverbund, Rosinak & Partner ZT GmbH and mobyome KG. PRIMA is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) within the 1st call for proposals on the topic of mobility (FFG) in spring 2022 (“Regions: mobilize and sustainably connect rural areas”).

DiThe objective of PRIMA

Building on existing initiatives, PRIMA aims to combine existing data and solution approaches by deriving spatial types for on-demand transport and to generate innovative results that enable transparent and integrated planning and implementation of on-demand transport in the sense of a nationwide mobility guarantee. The conceptual analysis of current problems regarding the systematic interaction of public transport and on-demand transport, the legal framework for on-demand transport in Austria and the provision of on-demand transport in the sense of a nationwide mobility guarantee will create the basis for defining where which on-demand services have a high potential as an economic and attractive solution to improve the existing public transport offer.

The approach & method

Mehr Details zum Forschungsprojekt PRIMA

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Our research team

Thomas Prinz
Thomas Prinz
Studio Director
Dagmar Lahnsteiner
Dagmar Lahnsteiner
Maximilian Kranabetter
Maximilian Kranabetter
Junior Researcher
Stefan Herbst
Stefan Herbst