
Tech2 People Web Platform

tech2people bietet unter Zuhilfenahme von Exoskeletten neue Formen der Therapie für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität.

Tech2 People Web Platform2020-08-13T14:29:44+02:00

Application details

Our competence:

Data Analytics

Smart Applications Technologies


Tech2People Web Platform

01.10.2019 – 31.01.2020

tech2people offers new forms of therapy for people with limited mobility with the help of exoskeletons. In order to be able to promote this new type of therapy with public funds (health insurance benefits), and thus make it accessible to a larger group of people, the company needs studies that prove the success or added value of the therapy. In this regard, an innovation check and a feasibility study will be applied for in cooperation with the Research Studio DSc (Data Science) and the Research Studio PCA (Pervasive Computing Applications), so that the improvement of the therapy can be achieved.
can be measured and proven in comparison to conventional forms of therapy. In the course of these research projects, a large amount of data is stored or analysed. In preparation for the data sets described above, this project is intended to create a web platform for the end users (in this case the therapy participants) as a further unique selling proposition in order to meet the recurring desire of therapy participants to gain insight into their own therapeutic success. In the course of this project “tech2people web platform”, the basis is to be created in order to provide users, also
to be able to present relevant statistics on the success of one’s own therapy in a clear form outside of therapy sessions. The technologies, data structures and required interfaces will be selected in the course of the project. Since the end users of the platform to be developed are people with different motor skills, a high value is placed on usability and user experience.

The research-team

DI. Florian Kleedorfer
DI. Florian Kleedorfer
Studio manager SAT</h6
Gabriel Pickl
Gabriel Pickl
Maximilian Stolze, BSc
Maximilian Stolze, BSc
Junior Researcher
Kristina Weinberger, BSc
Kristina Weinberger, BSc
Fabian Suda, BSc
Fabian Suda, BSc
Researcher & Senior Developer


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